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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

GP Report Writer - Fixed Assets

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

My client recently migrated from GP 2010 to GP 2013.  In GP 2010, they customized the depreciation report called "FA Depreciation Ledger by Class".  The basic customization was to add a field called "Special Depreciation Allowance Amount" to the report.  The table it came from was called "Asset Book Master".  In GP 2013, this report fails with a SQL Error when you try to run it.  This is because the table called "Asset Book Master" was replaced in GP 2013 with a table called "Asset Book Master Report Temp".  The problem is that in the new table, there isn't a field called "Special Depreciation Allowance Amount" to add to the report.  <sigh>

I did notice that in the report writer, I could double click on the table called "Asset Book Master Report Temp" and add a related table called "Asset Book ITC\Cost Adjustment Master".  If I add it, there is a field in there called "Section 179 Expense Deduction".  If my tax accounting knowledge is correct, Section 179 is the special depreciation allowance.  The problem is that if I add this table, the report stops yielding data. 

I'm not the strongest Dexterity Reporter Writer guy.  My guess is I have a relationship problem in the report when I add this new table that causes it not to yield the data but I have not clue how to join the Asset Book ITC\Cost Adjustment Master table to the Asset Book Master Report Temp table so that the report produces data.  I'm also not that sure that the section 179 field is the same field as the old Special Depreciation Allowance Amount field.

I'm looking for suggestions on what to do.

Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.



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  • Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,738 on at
    RE: GP Report Writer - Fixed Assets

    You are always welcome David,

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: GP Report Writer - Fixed Assets


    What I decided to do is use a Smartlist.  The field I am looking using is in the SmartList under the fixed asset book which, I think, is the same table that we are all talking about.  I'll reach out again if that doesn't work...but I think it will.

    Thanks for your response.  I appreciate it.


  • Suggested answer
    Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,738 on at
    RE: GP Report Writer - Fixed Assets


    May I have a suggestion ?

    How about creating an SQL view for the depreciation ledger and populate that on Crystal Report ?

    I have recently worked on a similar request, here is the SQL script for the Fixed Assets - Historical depreciation ledger

    Here is the report details,

    Let us know if you have any further inquiries,

  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: GP Report Writer - Fixed Assets

    Thanks Heather.  I agree, I have come to the conclusion that "I can't get there from here".  ;-)

    Thank you both for your comments.  They are appreciated.


  • Heather Roggeveen Profile Picture
    Heather Roggeveen 9,144 on at
    RE: GP Report Writer - Fixed Assets

    I'm with Harry on this one - sometimes you just have to start from scratch with Report Writer.

    The "why" of this report possibly corrupting could be to do with the introduction of the Historical Depreciation reporting.  From the Depreciation Ledger report window, you can choose historical dates to run the report "as at".  I would suggest that this is where the temp tables may be coming in (I am not in any way a programmer, so this is speculation).

    Fixed Assets had quite a bit of change in the module from 2010 to 2013 - and when there is change to the core, that is when we would most often see issues with customised reports not working.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: GP Report Writer - Fixed Assets

    If I start with a fresh copy in GP 2013, the 2013 copy doesn't use the table Asset Book Master anymore, it uses Asset Book Master Reporting Temp instead.  If I remove the temp and go back to the original table (after a fresh start), I then have to change every field on the report that refers to temp and I really don't want to do that.  Right?

    I'm not sure why GP did this but the 2013 out of the box report is fundamentally different than the out of the box 2010 report...specifically the Asset Book Master table.  In GP 2010, it is the actual table, in 2013 it is the temp table.  All would be well if they actually included all the fields like the special depreciation allowance amount in the temp version so I could just drop the field in and be done.  ;-)

    Thanks for your help.  It might be time for the client to decide whether they really need the special depreciation allowance amount on the report and if so, are they will to pay for a support case with Microsoft.

    Thanks again for the input.


  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: GP Report Writer - Fixed Assets


    I would suggest you remove the report customization completely, and try the steps to add the table again from a fresh copy of the standard GP2013 report, and not the imported customized GP2010 report.  This may yield different results entirely.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: GP Report Writer - Fixed Assets

    Thanks Harry for the response.  I definitely agree that I do want the Asset Book Master and not the Asset Book Master Reporting Temp table.  

    Let me state the problem another way and see if that helps.  If I import the package file (one report\no VB) that contains the report (FA Depreciation Ledger By Class) into GP works just fine.  If I import the same package file into GP 2013 R2, it doesn't work.  I get an error window that says, "Error Accessing SQL Data".  I then click Ok and the reports comes up with the headings but no FA data.  

    How do I figure out what the error is?  I tried removing the Assets Book Master table and re-adding it but that doesn't work...same error.  I can't figure out where to go to get more info on why the report cannot access the SQL data.  The validate button on the report is grey out, so I can't validate it.  Something is different between GP 2010 and GP 2013 and I can't figure out what.

    Any advice on trouble shooting this issue?

    Thanks for your comments so far.  It is very much appreciated.


  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: GP Report Writer - Fixed Assets


    The information you're looking for is in the FA00200 table "Fixed Asset Book Master" just as it was in version 2010.  The SPECDEPRALLOWAMT is likely the field you're looking for.

    Temp Tables: As the name implies, data is only stored in these tables temporarily. Temporary tables can be used in a variety of situations, such as when a user presses the "Post" button for a transaction.  The fact your report is not including data when this table is included tends to indicate the table may be empty, and you likely selected an inner join (include data from both tables only when equal values are produced in the joining fields).

    I would stay away from the Temp tables to build a report unless absolutely necessary.  Use the FA00200 table instead.

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