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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Microsoft Store Operations PoS Permanently Minimized?

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There is something going wrong with our PoS system. I help run a small business and a company called Simple PoS sent us a machine and all the gadgets we need along with this particular PoS system.

I logged in this morning, and the program is open, but it is seemingly "stuck" on the task bar. I cannot maximize the window. I have restarted, closed the program via task manager, stopped its process, rebooted again, closed it manually by right clicking the icon...nothing. Has anyone else had this problem?

Obviously we are going to be contacting Simple PoS about this as well, but I'm just putting some feelers out there in the meantime because while the program is good, the company's customer service is lacking, and I don't expect them to solve it faster than a forum post might.

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  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Microsoft Store Operations PoS Permanently Minimized?


    I can understand your frustration and concern about the way the RMS can sometimes act on its own. The solution that DR.RYU mention is one of the many reason that RMS can change your resolution.

    We at RITE Enterprises Inc. have a small solution that can prevent this from happening again. If you would like some more details I'd be more than happy to explain in more details with you.

    You can contact me at or if you have any continious issues in the future you are more than welcome to contact our support team directly.

  • mpitcoor Profile Picture
    mpitcoor 55 on at
    RE: Microsoft Store Operations PoS Permanently Minimized?

    I have been experiencing the same issue. I have not yet found a real fix, but found I could maximize the window by opening Windows task manager, and right clicking on the running application in the Applications tab, and selecting Maximize. It works normally after that. I have RMS Store Operations running on a Windows 7 Pro 64 bit Dell Optiplex desktop.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Microsoft Store Operations PoS Permanently Minimized?

    Click POS Icon on task bar - Ctrl+F6 - Transaction Screen tab - Click Windows - I bet your left and right positions are -340000 numbers. Change to 0. This will bring you the POS screen back. This only happen when your POS was minimized and your computer got restarted or shutdown.

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