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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Error: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader.

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We're getting an error on save of a record in the unified client. The error only occurs when making a change to a multi-select picklist field.

The error just started occurring; we haven't made any recent code changes.

We tried removing the custom JavaScript code on the form but the error stills appears.

We cleared the browser cache. The error is occurring for three out of four users. All users are using the same version of Chrome.

It looks like built-in code on the form is presenting the multi-select options as a JSON array (e.g., [10000001,10000002]) but the code is likely expecting just a comma-delimited list of values. That is probably why the error indicates "unexpected 'StartArray'".

Any ideas for working around this?


An error occurred while validating input parameters: Microsoft.OData.ODataException: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader. A 'PrimitiveValue' node was expected.
at Microsoft.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ValidateNodeType(IJsonReader jsonReader, JsonNodeType expectedNodeType)
at Microsoft.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadPrimitiveValue(Boolean insideJsonObjectValue, IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference expectedValueTypeReference, Boolean validateNullValue, String propertyName)
at Microsoft.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValueImplementation(String payloadTypeName, IEdmTypeReference expectedTypeReference, PropertyAndAnnotationCollector propertyAndAnnotationCollector, CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator collectionValidator, Boolean validateNullValue, Boolean isTopLevelPropertyValue, Boolean insideComplexValue, String propertyName, Nullable`1 isDynamicProperty)
at Microsoft.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightResourceDeserializer.ReadEntryDataProperty(IODataJsonLightReaderResourceState resourceState, IEdmProperty edmProperty, String propertyTypeName)
at Microsoft.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightResourceDeserializer.ReadPropertyWithValue(IODataJsonLightReaderResourceState resourceState, String propertyName)
at Microsoft.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightResourceDeserializer.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<ReadResourceContent>b__0(PropertyParsingResult propertyParsingResult, String propertyName)
at Microsoft.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ProcessProperty(PropertyAndAnnotationCollector propertyAndAnnotationCollector, Func`2 readPropertyAnnotationValue, Action`2 handleProperty)
at Microsoft.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightResourceDeserializer.ReadResourceContent(IODataJsonLightReaderResourceState resourceState)
at Microsoft.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadResourceStart(PropertyAndAnnotationCollector propertyAndAnnotationCollector, SelectedPropertiesNode selectedProperties)
at Microsoft.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtStartImplementationSynchronously(PropertyAndAnnotationCollector propertyAndAnnotationCollector)
at Microsoft.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadImplementation()
at Microsoft.OData.ODataReaderCore.InterceptException[T](Func`1 action)
at System.Web.OData.Formatter.Deserialization.ODataReaderExtensions.ReadResourceOrResourceSet(ODataReader reader)
at System.Web.OData.Formatter.Deserialization.ODataResourceDeserializer.Read(ODataMessageReader messageReader, Type type, ODataDeserializerContext readContext)
at System.Web.OData.Formatter.ODataMediaTypeFormatter.ReadFromStream(Type type, Stream readStream, HttpContent content, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger)

*This post is locked for comments

  • Alltess Profile Picture
    Alltess 15 on at
    RE: Error: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader.


    we did not get a fix yet. Someone would probably need to have support from Microsoft. We do not have a support contract, so it is not possible to go deeper with them.

  • RE: Error: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader.

    @Alltess, di you get fix for th issue?

  • RE: Error: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader.

    @Tim, did get fix for this issue?

  • RE: Error: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader.

    Yes please

  • RE: Error: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader.

    we are also getting the same error. we are also on-prem 9.0 version

  • Alltess Profile Picture
    Alltess 15 on at
    RE: Error: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader.

    Hi we have the same issue in dynamics 365 on promise V9 only in some form which is weird and it does not give the error in Classic mode for the same entity record. Did you fix your issue ?

  • Alltess Profile Picture
    Alltess 15 on at
    RE: Error: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader.

    We are having the same issue, did you found the source ?

  • RE: Error: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader.

    Do you still need assistance with this? Has it resolved with recent Dynamics updates?

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