i have followed the instructions to setup and create the cdmutil azure function app which successfully gets triggered whenever i activate new datalake tables for export.
However, there are no views or tables created in the Synapse workspace.
Is there a why the function app is unable to create the views/tables?
I think you raised this as an issue in github for the cdmutilazurefunction app. I have offered some steps in there about disabling the servicebus_cdmsynapseview function.
Hi Taddymason,
There is an issue reported with the same information you provided on this forum. Probably it was you. I would await the reply form the contributors. I don't have experiences myself with this CMUtil tool.
It is related to the "export to datalake" feature of D365 F&O.
CDMutil azure function app is the microsoft recommended way to create the synapse views/tables. See link below:
HI Taddymason,
Can you explain if and how this question is related to Dynamics 365 Finance?
André Arnaud de Cal...
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