I have a production order. In the BOM of the production order, I have two lines- one for raw material and other for service item. The service item line has a purchase order marked (linked ) to it.
Now, when I split this production order, a new production order is created which again has 2 BOM lines as the original production order. But in the service item BOM line of the new production order, a new purchase order is created and linked to it as per standard functionality. My requirement is that new purchase order should not be created and the purchase order marked against the original production order service line should be marked again the new production order service line.
If the original production order service line prodbom.inventrefid = 00575, then the new production order service lineprodbom.inventrefid should also be equal to 00575 and not new purchase order.
Can you please tell more about the requirement and what kind of help you exactly need? How do you mark a purchase order against a production order? Or is the PO linked to a BOM line?
What attempts have you made yourself so far? Did you start with X++ coding? If so, do you get errors (build or runtime)? Please elaborate what help you need.
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