This will cause the quantity and base quantity fields to be out of balance.
AL call stack:
/Unit of Measure Management/(CodeUnit 5402).ValidateQtyIsBalanced line 9 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Warehouse Shipment Line/(Table 7321).ValidateQuantityIsBalanced line 9 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Warehouse Shipment Line/(Table 7321)./Qty. to Ship - OnValidate/(Trigger) line 43 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Warehouse Shipment Line/(Table 7321).InitQtyToShip line 8 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Warehouse Shipment Line/(Table 7321)./Qty. Outstanding - OnValidate/(Trigger) line 7 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Warehouse Shipment Line/(Table 7321).InitOutstandingQtys line 9 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Whse.-Create Source Document/(CodeUnit 5750).SetQtysOnShptLine line 13 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Sales Warehouse Mgt./(CodeUnit 5991).CreateShptLineFromSalesLine line 29 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Sales Warehouse Mgt./(CodeUnit 5991).FromSalesLine2ShptLine line 42 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Get Source Documents/(Report 5753).CreateActivityFromSalesLine2ShptLine line 10 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Get Source Documents/(Report 5753)./Sales Line - OnAfterGetRecord/(Trigger) line 47 - Base Application by Microsoft
Of course, I can create complete warehouse shipments (the customer ordered 8 pieces and quantity to prepare is set to 8). Also, the same manipulation for a partial shipment on another company on a different environment works without error. There must be a difference in how the item or locations (or something else) are set up, but I don't seem to find which one.
Thank you for your help