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Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Integration, Dataverse...

Upgrade Dynamics 365 8.2 to 9.1 on-premise

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I need to do an in place update of an Dynamics 365 8.2 environment to the latest on premise version 9.1.

So I will first update 8.2 to the latest version. What I'm not sure about is the following:

  1. Are the organizations also updated during the update to verison 9.0/9.1 or is this a separate step?
  2. Microsoft says that first version 9.0 has to be installed before the update to 9.1 could be applied. While googling I noticed posts saying that the update to 9.1 can be applied directly without updating to version 9.0 first. Which is correct?
  3. Where do I find the update packages of dynamics 365 on-premise to version 9.0 and/or 9.1?

I just found the list of cumulative updates here:

But these are not the updates to be used to upgrade to a new version. The can only be installed if the version 9.0 respectively 9.1 is already installed as stated in the installation instructions.

I cant find the installers to update from version 8.2 to version 9.0/9.1

Or do I need to download the full version installer which is doing an update if a previous version is detected?

Any help is highly appreciated

  • Jagbir Singh Profile Picture
    Jagbir Singh 37 on at
    RE: Upgrade Dynamics 365 8.2 to 9.1 on-premise

    Hi Paul, We need to do the same update from version 8.2 to 9.0 for a D365 on premise installation. Could you please share any useful resources that can help to do this. Any help would be appriciated.



  • PhilipK Profile Picture
    PhilipK 611 on at
    RE: Upgrade Dynamics 365 8.2 to 9.1 on-premise

    Hi Paul.

    As a coincidence I recall my text in your reply above from another thread so I will try to answer your questions.

    First of all, the recommended approach moving from 8.2 -> 9.1 is to setup a new environment for the target version which in your case is 9.1.

    The main reason to setting up the new environment is due support and compatibility with Windows Server OS along with SQL version supported with the version your ending up with, and if we assume you are running the latest "officially supported/compatible" of 8.2.x you are using Windows Server 2016 and SQL Server 2016 which are already quite old.
    And what may seem as the fastest route with an in-place upgrade might turn out to be the longest if you add-in that you might need to upgrade your Windows Server OS along with SQL.
    Now, if something fails during the upgrade, depending on the error everything might need to be reset to resolve the issue and give it another go, and this assumes your running your env. virtualized with taking snapshot.. If physical machines are involved, oh no no ;).
    And the more steps needed if in a production env. means more downtime for the users.

    By setting up a completely new environment for version 9.1 with the latest supported OS and SQL you gain longevity of any other major upgrades needed for these.
    But the main reason for the "re-deploy" to a new env. approach is that you can simply import the database and it will be upgraded and if any errors occur you can investigate and resolve these without downtime as you can make a test upgrade of the Org db to the new version without shutting down the actual production env.
    And when all potential issues has been resolved and you know the path/steps for a successful upgrade you schedule the actual upgrade.

    Here is Microsoft official recommended upgrade plan from 8.2 to V9.0:

    And v9.1 is actually "Service Pack 1" for version 9.0, so you will first install Dynamics 365 Server 9.0 full installer and then SP1(9.1) and then any of the following CU's.

    Hope this helps.
    Best regards. /Philip

  • RE: Upgrade Dynamics 365 8.2 to 9.1 on-premise

    Hi Nya

    Thx for your reply. Unfortunately I can't see any detailed steps in the post you mentioned.

    My question focuses on:

    - which installer does the update from 8.2 to 9.0

    - which installer does the update from 9.0 to 9.1

    I can't find any Microsoft downloads where I can download the update installers.

    There is only a page with all the cumulative updates but they need to have the corresponding versions already installed.

    I found a hint like the following:

    The route we have taken(and we tested several different upgrade paths) was to upgrade 8.2.x -> 9.0 Update 0.9 -> Update 0.27.

    1. upgrade 8.2.x -> 9.0 with the cumulative update 0.9

    2. upgrade 9.0 -> 9.1 with the cumulative update 0.27

    found on the cumulative update page here:

    Is this the correct path?

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Upgrade Dynamics 365 8.2 to 9.1 on-premise


    Please refer to the answer in the following issue.

    (+) How to Upgrade from D365 8.2 on-premise to D365 9.1 on-premise - Dynamics CRM Migration Forum Community Forum

    It contains the detailed steps.

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