Hi BC Gurus,
I seem to have an issue when manually trying to ship a sales order.
I receive this error when the Sales Order is status "Open" and we try to ship.
It looks like a Microsoft Base Application is triggered causing the error.
"Document Attachment Mgmt"(CodeUnit 1173).CopyAttachmentsForPostedDocsLines line 18 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Document Attachment Mgmt"(CodeUnit 1173).CopyAttachmentsForPostedDocs line 43 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Document Attachment Mgmt"(CodeUnit 1173).DocAttachForPostedSalesDocs line 29 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales-Post"(CodeUnit 80).OnBeforeDeleteAfterPosting(Event) line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales-Post"(CodeUnit 80).DeleteAfterPosting line 9 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales-Post"(CodeUnit 80).FinalizePosting line 77 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales-Post"(CodeUnit 80).OnRun(Trigger) line 171 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 81).RunSalesPost line 12 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 81).Code line 25 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 81).OnRun(Trigger) line 10 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Header"(Table 36).SendToPosting line 12 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Order"(Page 42).PostSalesOrder line 10 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Order"(Page 42)."Post - OnAction"(Trigger) line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
Is there any reason why we get this error when everything seems to be fine?