I want to build commercial vehicle tracking solution that pulls GPS data from an OBD II cellular enabled module and inserts into D365.
Once I “have something to connect to and pull data from” I can easily write a C# or Web/Azure Application that inserts the GPS Data into a D365 Entity.
I have no idea what type of OBD II GPS/Cellular Enabled unit I need or what unit will support my application, and that is what I am trying to figure out.
How are solutions like the ones listed here https://heavy.com/tech/2018/10/best-gps-tracker-for-car/ utilizing the OBD II device?
Is there some kind of development kit that includes a cellular enabled ODB II device and back end C# module for receiving the data or connecting to the OBD II device over its cellular connection and pulling the data?
Or do the vendors of all these solutions have an engineer design and manufacture the OBD II module with custom firmware?
I want to build a ODB II enabled vehicle tracking solution for D365 and my hurdle is the ODB II Device.
I already have a solution that uses cellular enabled tablet computers with built in GPS that are hardwired into the vehicle.
But I need to do something with an OBD II module and that's where I have zero knowledge.
Any insight or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.