Question: How can Power BI query the value of all Sales Orders by Date (historically) for both Sales Orders that are open and for those that have been Posted to Invoice?
Sales Orders from my e-commerce platform are paid in full at the moment of the transaction on the website.
Sales Orders are then fulfilled (delivered) at a later date at which time, once completed, the Sales Order is Posted to Invoice.
From a BI point of view, I need to know the dollar amount and count of Sales Orders per date (whether still as Sales Order or Posted Invoice).
I wish to capture the Sales Order value (in $ or quantity or any other measure) by Date for reporting purposes.
e.g. Sales Orders on Black Friday 2021 (November 26, 2021) vs. Sales Orders on Black Friday 2020 (November 27, 2021)
Assume all Sales Orders from Black Friday 2020 have been Posted to Invoice on varying dates (different posting dates / delivery dates)
Assume *some* Sales Orders from Black Friday 2021 remain unfulfilled (still a Sales Order) and some have been Posted to Invoice on varying dates (different posting dates / delivery dates)
Thank you so much to the community,