At present, we have 4 Multiselect drop down list fields on ADX Portal website and each of these fields list a filtered set of data based on certain preceding fields. The feature was implemented in ADXPortal source code (using custom control and C# coding). However, we are now planning to move to CRM Portals (without source code feature). In CRM this data is captured on subgrids, is there a way to implement this in CRM portals?
Challenges faced are:
a. Filtering data based on the previous field/grid value: when the field/grid A is populated, the field/grid B's subgrid view should be populated based on A.
b. If a custom Multiselect drop down containing key value pair as (name - Guid) could be added, how can this data be written back to CRM on submit/next button click as subgrid association in the CRM?
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