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Error while trying to post an invoice after prepayment is done

Posted on by 281
Dear Members,
It would be really helpful if you can guide me to solve the issue that I am facing currently.
The scenario goes like, I am trying to create a sales invoice with prepayment. After entering the prepayment amount, I am able to post the prepayment invoice. But when I am trying to invoice the sales order after the prepayment invoice is posted, I am receiving the following error message :
/The transaction cannot be completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry table. Check where and how the CONSISTENT function is used in the transaction to find the reason for the error. Contact your system administrator. Tables can be marked as inconsistent during comprehensive tasks, such as posting. This prevents data from being updated incorrectly./
I am really not able to identify this error and what is the reason behind it.
Can you members tell me why does this error occur and guide me to resolve the same ..??
Thanks in advance,
Saravanan M
  • Suggested answer
    KasparsSemjonovs Profile Picture
    KasparsSemjonovs 3,941 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Error while trying to post an invoice after prepayment is done
    This CONSISTENT error usually happens in 2 cases - bad code for customizations or there is some weird rounding going on in the system and from somewhere a 0.01 difference is happening when posting G/L entries and the amounts are not balanced out. 
    This is quite hard to track to the right origin that causes the issue. 
    So I assume You are creating Sales Order with prepayment, it has been paid and applied to the Prepayment Invoice? and now You want to do a final invoice (Ship and invoice?)
    If You are selling items - try to de-activate automatic cost posting in Inventory Setup. Also if You are posting the SO - try to do just the shipping before issuing invoice.
    Also check if the Posting Preview manages to complete? 
    Otherwise You need to involve Your partner so they do a debugging of this error and find the cause of it.

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