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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Make entity customizable in managed solution

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


How can the "Areas that display this entity" be made editable for an entity for a managed solution?

I tried setting the managed properties as follows :

Can be customized = true

can change additional parameters = true

But this didn't work for me.

Can this be done? The other options also does not seem to make it modifiable.

What i want to acheive is that i will ship an entity but it will not be displayed in any area. After installing the managed solution, the admin can choose under which area this entity should be displayed.

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  • Verified answer
    Michel van den Brink Profile Picture
    Michel van den Brink 4,697 on at
    RE: Make entity customizable in managed solution

    Hello Aseem,

    You're in the right direction, keep 'Can be customized' enabled. 

    The thing about Managed Solutions is that the checkboxes for "Areas that display this entity", or any other component, can not be edited by opening the Managed Solution itself, you always need an additional local solution.

    Any admin that installed your Managed Solution can already choose where to include your entity in the SiteMap, when they want to change for an entity that is contained within a Managed Solution, they can to open it via the default Solution or a local Unmanaged Solution of their own (I recommend the latter)


    The steps that admin should follow in the target organization:

    1. Go into the Settings Area and click 'Solutions'
    2. Create a new Unmanaged Solution for your changes
    3. Click 'Add Existing' and choose 'Entity'
    4. Select the entity you want to modify
    5. In the next screen, don't check any boxes, as you aren't going to modify any fields/forms/etc and make sure that 'Include All Assets' is turned OFF
    6. Now on the left, expand the entities tree and click the entity you are going to customize
    7. You can now enable/disable the checkboxes


    Any changes you can make on a component from a Managed Solution (when 'Can be customized' is set to true) can only be managed though an Unmanaged Solution or the default Solution. Using the default Solution is not recommended though.

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