My client is switching from using Kits to BOM.
I would like to import all Kits to the BOM screen (11.250.00). This should be a simple import of just the item at LEVEL0, then a YES pressed when prompted.
When creating the Transaction Import Control Macro, I do not see the button to click yes when prompted with system message 21451. Usually it is at the bottom of the Macro. Does anyone know what the syntax would be to click yes to this message in the Control Macro?
System message 21451 is The item entered is a 'Kit' and not a Bill of Material(BOM). Saving it in this screen(11.250.00) will result in it being saved as a BOM. It will no longer be accessible from the Kit Maintenance Screen(10.320.00). Do you wish to save this Kit as a BOM now?
These are the buttons available at the bottom of the Macro.
' Button object name Command204, Caption OK
' serr = SetObjectValue( "Command204", "PRESS" )
' Button object name Command207, Caption OK
' serr = SetObjectValue( "Command207", "PRESS" )
' Button object name cInsert, Caption &Insert
' serr = SetObjectValue( "cInsert", "PRESS" )
' Button object name cCancel, Caption &Cancel
' serr = SetObjectValue( "cCancel", "PRESS" )
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