Hi All, I am new to dynamics api, please help with the following"
I want to retrieve all dynamics records data in json format within a view in an entity. I obtained the viewId from the URL in browser, assume it's viewId-bla-bla
I used "https://[rootblabla]/api/data/v9.0?savedquery=viewId-bla-bla" on a URL in browser, but the json reponse rendered seems like metdata, i.e, not the records information in that view.
"@odata.context": "https://[root]/api/data/v9.0/$metadata",
"value": [
{"name": "accountleadscollection","kind": "EntitySet","url": "accountleadscollection"},
{"name": "accounts","kind": "EntitySet","url": "accounts"},
{"name": "aciviewmappers","kind": "EntitySet","url": "aciviewmappers"},
What should I use as the retrieve URL, so that I can have the returned response containing the records within that view please?
Thank you very much.