the reason why I want to remove users specific security roles is that I want to control the visibility of the business process flow via security roles.
My problem is, the users all have a specific security role assigned named "Vice President of Sales", which is a OOB security role and can't be edited and saved. This means I can not remove the rights of the visiblity of the business process flow.
So I want to remove this security role from the user, but it doesn't allow me and throws this error message:
"Insufficient Permissions
You do not have permission to access these records. Contact your Microsoft Dynamics 365 administrator. If you contact support, please provide the technical details."
Any advice? I'm a system admin, system administrator and system customizer according to my security roles.
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since I'm not able to change and adjust all the OOB security roles nor removing specific security roles from users, although I'm an admin in the CRM. I decided to hide the BPF section with a onload jscript on the form.
Can you get a CRM Platform trace and include it here, together with the call stack of the exception ?
The feature to remove a Security role from BPF has been discontinued in later version of CRM. Please refer following blog, it deleted the Security Role instead:
You need to check whether the Security Roles assigned to you are not custom. Do you get “System administrator role cannot be updated or modified.” message in your System Admin Security role? as below:
If not, ask a system admin to assign System Admin role to you. Then you can perform above actions, i.e. remove visibility of a certain Business Process Flow from Security Roles in Business Process Flow tab:
Or Remove Security Role from a User.
Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately changing the user the business unit also gives me the same error. As you wrote, changing the business unit will remove the security role. I believe the error came because the system wants to remove the security role, but it can't.
The error exception from the log file:
Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: RoleService::VerifyCallerPrivileges failed. User: e14bf277-a3c9-e911-80e8-005056874ea2, PrivilegeName: prvCreatemsdyn_bpf_9ff89a5f30cc4dbd957f5f33d925dc12, PrivilegeId: c116649e-e108-45d6-9e49-5385e8bf662d, Depth: Global, BusinessUnitId: 6e45ff4a-4844-e711-80df-005056874ea2Detail: 431619b3-36b2-4714-bb87-af51fa5ca563 -2147220960 RoleService::VerifyCallerPrivileges failed. User: e14bf277-a3c9-e911-80e8-005056874ea2, PrivilegeName: prvCreatemsdyn_bpf_9ff89a5f30cc4dbd957f5f33d925dc12, PrivilegeId: c116649e-e108-45d6-9e49-5385e8bf662d, Depth: Global, BusinessUnitId: 6e45ff4a-4844-e711-80df-005056874ea2 2019-09-19T08:40:52.7711378Z false
Have you tried moving the user a a different BU and back? This should remove all security roles - docs.microsoft.com/.../create-edit-business-units: "By changing the business unit for a user, you remove all security role assignments for the user. "
If this still fails, then i suggest collecting a CRM Platform trace and check the exception there, together with the call stack as this would give more details.
You can also paste the exception in this thread for assistance.
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