Hi BC Community,
How can I get from Approval Entry Table (454). Its PK is an entry No. which is not referenced (I think) anywhere else. So when I get....I can not find any records.
Any advice would be appreciated, my sample code is below:
trigger OnAfterGetRecord() begin if purchaseHeader.Get("Purchase Line"."Document Type", "Purchase Line"."Document No.") and (Type = Type::Item) then begin approvalEntry.SetFilter("Document No.", purchaseHeader."No."); if approvalEntry.get(approvalEntry."Entry No.") then if purchaseInvoiceHeader.Get(purchaseHeader."Last Posting No.") then if purchaseInvoiceLine.Get(purchaseInvoiceHeader."No.") then begin purchaseInvoiceLine.Reset(); purchaseInvoiceLine.SetRange(purchaseInvoiceLine."Document No."); if purchaseInvoiceLine.FindSet() then begin end; end; end end;