RE: Dynamics and Company database daily backup to cloud
Praveen provided you with a link that goes over all the best practices for local backups on your Dynamics GP environment.. which is a good starting point. Backing up your daily SQL backups to an external HDD may show that your company doesn't have an extended DR (Disaster Recovery) plan, which is somethign I'd be concerned by.
There is currently no documentation I'm aware of from Microsoft regarding cloud-backup for Dynamics GP.. but there are a few things to consider in the larger sense of a DR scenario:
You could find a hosting partner to run your GP databases.. You'll keep running the full GP client (aka fat client), but your users would remote access into the ISV/Hosting provider.. The provider will be responsible for all the backups in the cloud.
There are a few well-known Backup solution providers (just google it) that will offer you a montly plan to include the upload of your server backups to the cloud.. which in my opinion is already better than an external HDD (unless you have a very poor internet connexion, but then we're not talking about cloud backup anymore).
A local tape robot is already better than individual HDD's, since you can automate the whole process way better and ship the tapes daily out to a vault (like Iron Mountain can provide as a service for a few dozen $/month).
All in all, it's not only about your ERP backups, but the whole DR strategy that you should look at for your company.
Good luck.
PS: I've been presenting UG sessions at GPUG Summit for 2 years about DR and GP. Let me know if you're interested in the material.