RE: Check applied to invoice has been lost in transit, how can I void it
Make sure you have no Void Check Batches that have not been released, if you do have them.... delete them or process them, this check may be in a void check batch that is out there on hold or set to release later.
F3 on the batch number field and click on the title status to sort by status... this will put your batches in Alphabetical order by status.... the following batch status' are not released: B, H, S
Look at each batch and find the one that has your check in it.
If you cannot find it, then there is a record in the DB acting like this check is in a non existent batch and that will have to be deleted out.
Select batnbr, * from aptran where refnbr='nnnnnn' and drcr='V'
***where nnnnnn is the check refnbr with leading zeros
this will give you the batch number, go back and see if you can pull up this batch
If you can, then process the batch through to void it
If you can't or the batch is already posted, then you have to delete this orphaned record.
do not update or delete records without a good backup to restore in case something unexpected happens.
Delete from aptran where refnbr='nnnnnn' and drcr='V' and batnbr='bbbbbb'
***where nnnnnn is the check refnbr with leading zeros and bbbbbb is the batch number you found in the results of the first query.