Hi -
I lead a business unit in a not-for-profit organization of ~200 employees. Our organization is split into five business units. We have adopted Dynamics 365 online as a CRM for our sales, service and marketing teams and are in various phases of implementation throughout the org.
My group is responsible for a single SaaS product with a subscription model that offers three price-levels. Another business unit is responsible for our legacy business, selling print materials B2B and B2C. The SaaS solution we are selling is being marketed to some of the legacy customers so there is a need to share accounts between business units.
Our in-house CRM Administrator who is responsible for implementation and optimization of CRM across the business units has our organization set up with a single business unit. He has then set up each business unit in our org as a team in CRM. When I asked him why it's setup this way, he stated that "there is no methodology for sharing Accounts across Business Units and allowing sales from any BU." I pushed back and said it seems like that is something that other companies would also require and that surely Business Units in Dynamics along with Security Roles configured properly we could accomplish each group's goals of a separate reporting, processes, activities, etc. and still access shared accounts that all groups could sell to.
This was his response: "It’s like the classic “Catch 22” scenario … If we design the system around Business Units for each SMU then behavior from other SMU’s is not visible until we create cross-divisional security roles. After creating sufficient cross-divisional security roles, we are back to showing everything to everyone and no longer have the benefits of the Business Units. It is far simpler for everyone to work across one business unit."
I'm still learning Dynamics myself, but in my reading on these forums and in other places it seems like he is way off base. Any advice?
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