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ssrs reports fetchxml null value as a parameter

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Can someone please help me with my questions? We recently upgraded to Dynamics 365 Online and are now building SSRS reports based on fetchxml. Earlier we used sql based.

1. Can we display NULL as a value in the parameter?

    In our earlier reports, we showed ALL, NULL & rest of the values in a filter. Now in fetchxml, I see that I can either have multi select or just 'Allow Null' but not both  together. How do I account for 'NULL' as a value in the parameter?

2. I used 'Or' operator in a filter in one of my reports just so I can get null value records along with all the data. Like this:

<filter type="or">
<condition attribute="new_incidenttype" operator="in" value="@IncidentType />
<condition attribute="new_incidenttype" operator="null" />

but this is causing problems when user selects only one value from the dropdown. It brings the selected value records along with null value records! How do I let the report know to ignore 'OR' operator when only one value is selected from the dropdown?

Please provide some guidance. Thanks for any help.

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  • LeoAlt Profile Picture
    LeoAlt 16,331 on at
    RE: ssrs reports fetchxml null value as a parameter

    Hi Partner,

    It is by design that we could not choose null and multiple selection at the same time.

    But you could create a new two option field on the form, and when your option set field is null, then set value to the custom field to "true".

    Then in SSRS report, just add another condition <condition attribute="new_twooption"  operator="eq" value="@new_twooption"/> with type "or".

    <filter type="or">
    <condition attribute="new_incidenttype" operator="in" value="@IncidentType />
    <condition attribute="new_twooption"  operator="in" value="@new_twooption/>

    So that when you choose True for "new_twooption", you will be able to get the records without value in "new_incidenttype".

    Hope it helps.

    Best Regards,


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