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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

using textio class to debug ssrs report

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


I am trying to debug my RDP based SSRS report and I am using textIo to write a log in my Data Provider class ProcessReport method. I have tried to have the textio class write to my local machine usine the machine name, but I am unable to do it. 

So if I just use the textIo to write to the default location,  I imagine it will write to some forlder of the Report server, am I right? If that is the case how can I find the report server name so I can check the log?

Thanks  for the help.

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  • Hariharans87 Profile Picture
    Hariharans87 on at
    RE: using textio class to debug ssrs report

    The file won't store on the report server.

    If you try to save the file through x++ code, it will save in the AOS server. For example, if you try to save the file to d:\test.txt. You can find this file in the AX AOS server d:\test.txt file path.

    If the user don't have the permission to access the server system to get the file, you can store that file in the shared folder.

  • Suggested answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,466 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: using textio class to debug ssrs report

    Wouldn't a debugger be a more appropriate tool for debugging? Here is the page in documentation explaining how to use it to debug various things, including reports.

    By the way RDP classes run on AOS.

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