RE: AADSTS900144 body must contain 'client_id' AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode
Hi Yogender, thanks for your reply.
Part of the message in the window is in french and only says Sorry we re having troubles to connect you. I will try to detail my process a bit.
What I want to do is to expose an API in Business central, and to call this same API in business central (so I am auto calling my own API in the same base, I have reasons to set it up that way).
The setup was working fine using Basic Authentification but I am now trying to make it work using OAuth On Premise.
I set up the OAuth authentification on my On Premise business central (with a client secret), it works well and I can call my API in postman. The grant type in Postman is setup to Authorization Code.
What I now need to do is to call this API in AL in business central.
I have done this before in Basic Auth and in OAuth with another API but the existing procedure in the codeunit OAuth2 "AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode", that seems to be exactly what I'm looking for, does not work.
When I try to call this procedure, with the same parameters that i've used in postman, I get the error message linked in my first post that indicates that the body should contain 'client_id', which I don't understand since I don't have control on this procedure appart from the parameters that i send.
That's why I was wondering is there was any known issue regarding this specific procedure.
Hope I cleared things out enough.