Hi All
Due to some system glitch I have noticed that under GL10001 table there are some journal transactions showing 2 batch id's for same journal. Check the below screenshot in which you can see 1 journal no showing 2 batch id's the first one is the correct one and the other one is user id of the user who has entered this transaction. This 2 batch id's creates issue within Management Reporter as it is unable to report the correct balances for this batch, it simply rejects the last 4 lines which have the wrong batch id in the below case. When I contacted the user he told me that he has created this transaction using the Copy command within the GL entry screen, I tried simulating the same scenario in test environment but was unable to produce this kind of a transaction, in my case system creates it with one batch id that I choose in the GL TRX entry screen.
I would really appreciate if anyone would be able to help on this as I want to find out the root cause of this error? and would like to avoid this for future. Please note that posting the batch in GP doesn't creates any issue and MR is able to report the correct balances but since MR has option to report posted and unposted transactions in the provisional settings this kind of transaction creates issue when not posted in GP.
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