We have a strange issue where customer invoice lines all have zero values when both viewed and output - both using the standard SalesInvoice.Report layout.
This was (and is still) working with 10.0.30 (Quality Update to 10.0.1362.139), 10.0.31 (Quality Update to 10.0.1406.110) but is failing on 10.0.31 (Quality Update 10.0.1406.128). We have these versions over different staging servers with the data cloned between them all. This applies to all sales orders and invoices from them we try.
It may be a quality update - but we're clutching at straws until we can get support tomorrow. In the meantime has anyone else experienced this on Dynamics 10.0.31?
Ian W.
For anyone following behind us - we found the source of the problem. Microsoft are already working on a fix; I’ve subscribed to the post to get notified when they fix it.
The bug is introduced somewhere between 10.0.31 Quality Update 10.0.31 (10.0.1406.110) - Update55 (7.0.6651.106 (working) and 10.0.31 (10.0.1406.128) - Update55 (7.0.6651.114) (not working):
Issue 792626 - Open
When Revenue Recognition is enabled, the sales invoice line amount displayed is zero. But when it is disabled the line amount is displayed correctly
Product and version: Finance and Operations
Investigating a fix (Step 2 of 3)
Sales invoice printout displays zero on the line amount with the feature "Revenue recognition" enabled.
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