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Portal - KnowledgeBase Home page is empty

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Hi all, 

I have installed the self service portal for customers and configured and published the knowledgebase.

The articles are visible on the home page of the portal and in the serarch feature, but the Knowledgebase Home page is always empty.

How can I solve this issue?

Best regards.

CRM Version: Dynamics 365 Online

POrtal Version: 8.2

  • RE: Portal - KnowledgeBase Home page is empty

    Hi JJPW,

    I use the XRM toolbox Portal code editor tool for this.

    Happy customizing!

  • JJPW Profile Picture
    JJPW 115 on at
    RE: Portal - KnowledgeBase Home page is empty


    Your screenshot is awesome (even though it illustrates how bad my memory was/is!)

    What editor is that?

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Portal - KnowledgeBase Home page is empty

    Thanks a lot for your reply JJPW.

    I have managed to change the standard limit of 5 by changing the query used on the "Category - Related Categories" Web template:


    All the needed related categories are now visible on the portal.

  • JJPW Profile Picture
    JJPW 115 on at
    RE: Portal - KnowledgeBase Home page is empty


    The fix was to have been included in a release back in June. After we applied that upgrade the problem still persisted until we found the hardcoded value of something like 'MaxCategories=5" as an attribute of

    the query for the page (I think the page was CategoryDetails). After changing that value to "30" we are good. (Could not believe the fix was so easy after having spent so much time with MSFT trying to find the root cause!!)

    I'm not sure if an update ever officially changed this value or not. It was long ago so I apologize for not having specific details for you.

  • RE: Portal - KnowledgeBase Home page is empty


    I'm currently running into the same issue (5 category limitation).

    Did you get an update from Microsoft?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Verified answer
    JJPW Profile Picture
    JJPW 115 on at
    RE: Portal - KnowledgeBase Home page is empty

    Have you organized your knowledge articles by Categories? Could be wrong but I believe that browsing the knowledge base requires that articles be organized into Categories (at least one at the root level).

    Careful though, as a current bug limits the display to a maximum of 5 categories. If you have more than five, the articles in those categories cannot be browsed (but can be searched). We are waiting for a fix by the end of June, hopefully.

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