Thank you for the replay Ravi!
The two links you have provided show me how to add a FetchXML query to a Web Template, but they then create a custom entity list instead of modifying the OOB entity list provided to us. I am wondering if this FetchXML query in the template can further filter a OOB entity list on a web page. I've added my Web Template below, I am referencing the Entity List which is attached to the web page rather than creating one from scratch myself.
Could I modify my entity list reference with the new FetchXML query? I have not found any examples online that could filter the OOB entity list like this. Perhaps I could use the EntityView tag to augment the entitylist line in the template, but I could not find any code online that modifies the entity list in this manner.
{% extends "1 Column, How To" %}
{% block main %}
{% include "Redirect to Sign In Page" %}
{% fetchxml LocationQuery %}
<fetch distinct="false" mapping="logical" output-format="xml-platform" version="1.0">
<entity name="new_transaction">
<attribute name="new_transactionid"/>
<attribute name="new_name"/>
<attribute name="createdon"/>
<order descending="false" attribute="new_name"/>
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="new_location" value="{{ request.params['locationid'] }}" uitype="new_location" operator="eq"/>
{% endfetchxml %}
{% if page.adx_entityform %}
{% entityform id: %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.adx_entitylist %}
//Is there a way to add the FetchXML query to this entity list?
{% include 'entity_list' key: %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.adx_webform %}
{% webform id: %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block aside %}
{% include "Weblink List Group" weblink_set_name: "Secondary Navigation" showdescriptions: true %}
{% include "ad" ad_placement_name: "Sidebar Bottom" %}
{% endblock %}