Hello there,
I am working on a model driven application for a software onboarding process. I have a business process flow which spans across 3 tables now. The first and the last step on the first table called Projects. The second step on a table named Engage CDT Checklist which has a lookup column to project. The third step on a table called Architectures which has a lookup column to project.
When an item is created in the Project table a flow is triggered which will create related entries in both the Checklist table and the Architecture table. But the problem here is that the business process flow is not identifying these entries and showing no related entities exist and gives me an option to create one from the flow. Clicking on it and creating a new record sort of works but it is not the desired behavior since it doesn't provide a seemless experience.
Can you guys help me figure if I'm doing something wrong or if there is a way to fix this problem? I have attached a screenshot below.
Thank you.