Recipient of the email is added to "TO" field each time we click on Reply All to an email thread.
So if I click on Reply All once the recipients email address is mentioned in TO field once
When we click on Reply All the 2nd time on the same thread - the recipients email address is mentioned in TO field Twice
When we click on Reply All the 3rd time continuing the thread - the recipients email address is mentioned in TO field Thrice
This behavior goes on and on.
This makes the to list have as many duplicates of the CRM users record in the to line as times they have hit Reply All.
Our current process has the users reply all to a thread up to 20 times for a single thread. The average support email has 4-6 people copied so the reply all is the process we need but because of this duplicating of the person hitting reply all in CRM we end up with a 'TO' recipient list which is long and hard to look at in CRM, outlook, etc.
The expected behavior is that the Email address in the From field should not be displayed in the To field.
Here is a simple test example where Hoss Hostetler got an email from Ravi and then Hoss hostetler clicked Reply all on the email three times to send back to Ravi and others. You can see that the to field was shows in each email as
Email 1: Ravi S
Email 2 (first reply all from within CRM): Hoss Hostetler, Ravi S
Email 3 (second reply all from within CRM): Hoss Hostetler, Hoss Hostetler, Ravi S
Email 4 (third reply all from within CRM): Hoss Hostetler, Hoss Hostetler, Hoss Hostetler, Ravi S
If you continue hitting reply all from within CRM, very quickly you can only see the Hoss hostetler in the To field in the email list and you end up with many many email addresses for the person sending form within CRM in the to line.
It would be great for this to not duplicate the recipient each time replay all is used within Dynamics CRM Web UI.
Anyone have a way of changing this behavior or code to fix it on the Email form within CRM?
Will Microsoft fix this in future releases.
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