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Purchase Invoice page Missing obvious Field: "Order No." field (purchase order number)

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When I enter a Purchase invoice (as in below example) using the purchase invoice function in Business Central, I cannot associate a PO number with the invoice. The field is not available.


 I am able to "Get Receipt Lines" from the purchase order but I cannot add the order number at the header of the Purchase invoice.



When I post the purchase invoice, the Order No. is blank


Additionally, the posted purchase invoice does NOT show up in the purchase invoices on the purchase order. 

  • jack Profile Picture
    jack 13 on at
    RE: Purchase Invoice page Missing obvious Field: "Order No." field (purchase order number)

    Good Morning Zhu,

    Thanks for your insight. Do you have any guidance on the customization code (page extension?) to add the purchase order number field (Order No.) to the header of the purchase invoice page? 

    In the below example I invoiced directly from the PO except for on POSTI002768. You can see that the Order. No was not populated once the purchase invoice was posted. I need to add this field so it populates when posted.

  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 76,909 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Purchase Invoice page Missing obvious Field: "Order No." field (purchase order number)

    As mentioned by the above two experts, this is a standard behavior. If you need it, you can consider making a small customization. When you get Receipt Line, fill in the first line of Purchase Order, which is not difficult.

    You can also submit ideas to Microsoft, and if get a certain number of votes, they will consider adding them to the standard environment.

    Hope this helps.



  • jack Profile Picture
    jack 13 on at
    RE: Purchase Invoice page Missing obvious Field: "Order No." field (purchase order number)


    Thanks for your input here. Do you disagree that "Order No." should be available on the purchase invoice header? Generally, I invoice directly from the PO. 

    If receipt lines (one or multiple) are brought into a purchase invoice from a single purchase order, you should be able to enter the "Order No." at the header of the Purchase invoice. Do you disagree here?

    When purchase invoices cannot be 3 way matched (PO line / Receipt line/ invoice line) right away, they need to be entered into the system to be shown on payment hold so the correct stakeholder(s) can take action to resolve them. I would like to use the purchase invoices function to record these invoices and then post them once they are resolved....

    The problem for me is that once a purchase invoice is resolved, and posted, it does NOT get associated with the purchase order, also I cannot associate a purchase invoice manually with a purchase order as the field is not available.

    I appreciate the dialogue... 

    The document line tracking doesn't really help me as I use the PO invoice button to access all po specific invoices and attach a PDF of the invoice. Make sense? The buying team benefits from seeing all posted purchase invoices and needs to also see the unposted purchase invoices to resolve disputes. 


  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 25,640 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Purchase Invoice page Missing obvious Field: "Order No." field (purchase order number)

    Appliwin is right, and it can be a common scenario where one invoice can be used to pay for multiple purchase orders (receipts). Reason being that you have several purchase orders and can pay the vendor with one invoice, or the vendor gave you only one invoice.

    Some documentation from Microsoft:

    Can I confirm why you're using Purchase Invoices if you always have a one-to-one relationship between orders and invoices and you want to see this connection? Is there a reason you don't invoice directly from the Purchase Order? If you do that, then the posted purchase invoice will have the purchase order number populated in the invoice header as you're looking for.

    Otherwise, if you want to keep invoicing from the Purchase Invoices Page using the Get Receipt Lines function, in a Posted Purchase Invoice you can use the Document Line Tracking functionality in the Lines FastTab to see what Purchase Order the line came from

  • jack Profile Picture
    jack 13 on at
    RE: Purchase Invoice page Missing obvious Field: "Order No." field (purchase order number)


    Thanks for your response. When would an invoice ever reference multiple purchase orders... When using the get receipt lines function, a user matches receipt lines to a single vendor invoice which references a single purchase order. AR / AP 101.

  • Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 7,499 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Purchase Invoice page Missing obvious Field: "Order No." field (purchase order number)

    I see this as normal behavior. when you post purchase invoice using get receipt lines, BC creates a link between the purchase receipts with the invoice. You could create one single invoice from several purchase orders from a vendor, it makes sense BC doesn't associate one invoice to several purchase orders. However, the purchase receipt number is on a seperate line on the invoice, serving as a link between the PO and invoice

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