We are using MS CRM 2016 update1 on premise.
We have single customizations solution containing all entities and their related customizations.
Lets say we have 5 custom entites name alphabatically like new_account,new_board,new_calculations,new_counters,new_dailyevents.
- In first deployment of we have enabled "Offline capability for CRM for Outlook" for entity "new_calculations" and exported the solution and imported to Target environment where CRM for outlook client is being used for that organization. In this attempt the soultion imported successfully wihthout any issues.And there is an entry in "SubscriptionstatisticsOfflineBase" table for this entity.
- In next release we had to enable the "Offline capability for CRM for Outlook" for new_account ,new_board and new_dailyevents entities and disable "Offline capability for CRM for Outlook" for new_calculations. so we did this changes in our customization system and exported the solutions. Now when we trying to impqort this solution to Target environment discussed above, the solution import failed with an error was "SQL timeout".
We tried all possible ways of increasing the timeout value and re-importing the solution but even this not worked for us.
- When we re-imported the solution it was giving error like Primary key violation in "SubscriptionstatisticsOfflineBase" for the entities new_account,new_board.
- An issue with order of entities subscription created in the DB.
- In second attempt of import it created the entries for the new_account,new_board
Kindly help us, Its been 4 days we are tryring to find the solution for this inconsistancy in DB.
Any help would be appreciated.
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