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Variable allocation account

Posted on by 38
 It appears we can only use a statistical account for a Breakdown Account when using Variable Allocation Accounts. Even through G/L Account is available for a Breakdown Account Type, I can only get this to work with a statistical account as the breakdown.
I would like to distribute expenses over profit centers based on a % of revenue for each profit center. So the Breakdown acct is the G/L Account for Revenue.
Has anyone been able to use a G/L account for a breakdown account type?

Thank you,
  • GinaH Profile Picture
    GinaH 38 on at
    Variable allocation account
    Jun Wang, I am creating a variable allocation account, not a recurring entry. The variable allocation account setup appears to allow GL accounts as breakdown accounts, but I can't get it to work. That's my problem.
  • Suggested answer
    Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 7,443 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Variable allocation account
    I don't think you could allocate the cost of materials to dimensions this way. The correct way is to fill out the dimension at the time of the posting. for example
    total amount is 1000$
    when posting, you allocate to dimensions
    100$ for dimension abc, account no. 50110
    900$ for dimension xyz   account no. 50110
    this way different amount is posted to the same account by with different dimensions. Then you could filter the net change by dimensions.
    this is an example from NAV for recurring journal allocation, which is an older version of BC, but they works the same way
    Jun Wang
  • GinaH Profile Picture
    GinaH 38 on at
    Variable allocation account says G/L account but I cannot get it to work. I have a revenue account with dimensions that I want to use as the breakdown account. I want to use the net change for the month. So revenue for 3/31/24 is broken out by 3 dimension values. 
    When I choose Test Allocation I get this:
    The breakdown account balances are correct but the percentages and amounts are not calculating correctly
    I tried a general journal and nothing allocates.
    So I'm wondering if G/L Account for a Breakdown Type really doesn't work.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 73,565 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Variable allocation account
    As far as I know, both types you mentioned are available.
    More details: What's new: Fixed and variable G/L allocations (2023 release wave 2)
    Hope this helps.

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