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Unable to create New Case Routing rule

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Posted on by 72

Hi Everyone

hope you can help.

I get the below error when i try to create or edit a case routing rule in our sandbox solution.

It mentioned the omnichannel in the error which we have set up in the test solution but we don't have any routing rules set up against the chat 

I have added the routing rule to the site map as advised but still no joy.

What am i doing wrong? 

Message: Condition for attribute 'queue.queueid': null is not a valid value for an attribute. Use 'Null' or 'NotNull' conditions instead.
TimeStamp: 2020-11-17T13:04:05.3760906Z
Exception details:
ErrorCode: 0x80040203
Message: Condition for attribute 'queue.queueid': null is not a valid value for an attribute. Use 'Null' or 'NotNull' conditions instead.
TimeStamp: 2020-11-17T13:04:05.3760906Z
Exception details:
ErrorCode: 0x80040216
Message: System.ArgumentException: Condit...).

ErrorCode: -2147220891
HexErrorCode: 0x80040265

OperationStatus: 0
SubErrorCode: -2146233088


[Microsoft.Dynamics.OmnichannelBase.Plugins: Microsoft.Dynamics.OmnichannelBase.Plugins.RoutingRuleItemQueueRestrictPlugin]
[245e25b0-0bb1-420c-b05a-2d081c1011dd: OmniChannel.Plugins.RoutingRuleItemQueueRestrictPlugin]

Activity Id: 6ac0fe80-1ffa-44ed-ae82-beb627255b5e

  • Suggested answer
    Vness Profile Picture
    Vness 72 on at
    RE: Unable to create New Case Routing rule

    Microsoft have advised that Looks like this is a known issue for which a fix is in place, the fix will be rolled out to the EUR region on 04/12.

    Fingers crossed

  • Vness Profile Picture
    Vness 72 on at
    RE: Unable to create New Case Routing rule

    Unfortunately not Matt i have chased our support provider for an answer.

    maybe you should also open a ticket to MS to show its a issue.

  • MattCRMGuy Profile Picture
    MattCRMGuy 5 on at
    RE: Unable to create New Case Routing rule

    Vness, any progress for you?  I have a brand new trial environment, I'm in UCI under Service Management and I can't edit my Case Routing rules, I get the same error.  I can delete and re-create, but what a pain.

  • Vness Profile Picture
    Vness 72 on at
    RE: Unable to create New Case Routing rule

    Hi Ricardo

    thanks for responding

    The initial routing rule was created in the classic dynamics 365 so i have deactivated and tried to reactivate but get the above error.

    I have changed the old one to draft and  created a new one in UCI  following the instuctions and get the above error.

    I have looked for the mentioned plug - in in the SDK but its doesn't exist. Which is strange in itself.

    I will open a support ticket with MS

    Thanks for looking at this for me.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Unable to create New Case Routing rule


    Could you please provide more details about this behavior:

    * The routing rule is being created from classic or unified interface (UCI)?

    * For the affected existing ones, were created in the classic or unified interface?

    * Did you try deactivate the mentioned plug-in?

    Disable Plugin

    Go to Settings --> Customization --> Customize the System

    In the left navigation you can see 'SDK Message Processing Steps'

    Go to SDK Message Processing Steps

    Then, locate and selct the plugin called: Omnichannel.Plugins.RoutingRuleItemQueueRestrictPlugin

    Just click the Deactivate ribbon

    Create required Routing rule to User/Team

    Enable Plugin

    Go to Settings --> Customization --> Customize the System

    In the left navigation you can see 'SDK Message Processing Steps'

    Go to SDK Message Processing Steps

    Then, locate and select the plugin called: Omnichannel.Plugins.RoutingRuleItemQueueRestrictPlugin

    Just click the Activate ribbon

    NOTE: Ensure that the plugin is reactivated. Failure in reactivating the plugin will have other side effects. Don't perform this change directly in production.

    From my understanding, this issue needs a deep analysis since is involving an OOB plugin for OmniChannel solution, so I also recommend to you open a support ticket. I hope that the provided workaround can unblock you. 


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