I am looking for help with how best to proceed with this one.
- Customer orders 50 of 1 item, we raise 30% prepayment invoice
- All items are shipped individually (50 shipments) (item + freight cost)
- After last shipment, customer will pay remaining 70% with all freight cost.
As we have to invoice 30% we created an order, applied pre-payment.
And now we are stuck. I can't use blanket order because although I can ship the individual items from there, I still need to finalise the bulk (initial order) which means shipping of the 0 items.
I can't ship individual items from the initial order because Dynamics keeps telling me that prepayments need to be finalised first.
I looked at creating a blanket order and ship & invoice from there. But again, I can't just create an order for all 50 items from the blanket order to invoice without shiping it.
Any ideas?
Thank you for your time.