Store operations POS seems not to be designed for frequent use with opos barcode scanners. The primary problem is that after any transaction a Post Transaction window appears that says Status: Transaction Completed. This window can be closed by pressing enter. The natural tenancy of the cashier is to start the next customer by scanning their first item. This makes a beep sound, but if not watching closely the cashier will not notice that the entry only closed the window. IT DID NOT REGISTER THE FIRST ITEM. The opos scanner (mine is by Symbol) is programmed to just type the digits of the bar code and press enter.
This is the biggest problem I have with RMS POS and OPOS barcode scanners. Any solution? Re-programming? Different scanner hardware?
The other problem is that when the cursor is not in the last line if you scan a new item it will delete the item you are on rather than just inserting the new one.
Way too many opportunities for error when you are in a store with lots of volume.
microsoft dynamics rms store operations manager version 2.0.1006
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