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Fixed Asset Migration Steps

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Could you please help me with the step by step process for bringing the Fixed asset Data from the old ERP to Business Central with help of configuration package
First import into are the Fixed Asset Master (5600) and  then FA Journal Line (5621)
Disable the GL integration and post the entries.
is this is the steps ? 
  • BCUSER2024 Profile Picture
    BCUSER2024 24 on at
    Fixed Asset Migration Steps
    Could you please help me  steps involved in adding fully depreciated assets? Do I have to follow the same steps?
    which is BC report that I could run to verify that all of the amounts are accurate following the migration of all assets from the old ERP to Business Central 
  • Fixed Asset Migration Steps
    Import lines in table 5612 - depreciation book information for each FA. If You need also TAX depreciation, it will be 2 lines for each FA with different depreciation book codes.
  • BCUSER2024 Profile Picture
    BCUSER2024 24 on at
    Fixed Asset Migration Steps
    Thankyou for your prompt response

    Could you please clarify the steps involved in adding fully depreciated assets? Do I have to follow the same steps?
    which is BC report that I could run to verify that all of the amounts are accurate following the migration of all assets from the old ERP to Business Central (with below following steps).?
  • Suggested answer
    KasparsSemjonovs Profile Picture
    KasparsSemjonovs 3,023 Super User on at
    Fixed Asset Migration Steps
    Not sure what You mean by moving values form Fixed Asset to Journal lines? 
    The Fixed Asset card doesn't contain any information about values. Those all are flowfields that get the information from Depreciation book and FA ledger entries, and before the Journal lines are posted, there are no values shown on Fixed Asset cards.
    Regarding the posting - Acquisition lines have to be posted first. You can import them all together, then just filter by the FA Posting type = Acquisition.
  • BCUSER2024 Profile Picture
    BCUSER2024 24 on at
    Fixed Asset Migration Steps
    Thankyou for the reply
    for the import of FA Journal lines (table 5621)Is it possible to transfer the acquisition cost and total accumulated depreciation value from fixed assets to the FA journal lines, or do we need to fill in the data by hand?

    Can we post everything at once, or do we need to post the acquisition and deprecaition values separately?
  • Suggested answer
    KasparsSemjonovs Profile Picture
    KasparsSemjonovs 3,023 Super User on at
    Fixed Asset Migration Steps
    1) import the FA cards into table 5600
    2) Import lines in table 5612 - depreciation book information for each FA. If You need also TAX depreciation, it will be 2 lines for each FA with different depreciation book codes.
    3) Disable the G/L integration for financial Depreciation book code (if tax is used, most likely it is already without integration)
    4) Import FA Journal lines (table 5621 with the Acquisition Cost in the date FA was purchased (FA Posting Date) with the original purchase value. Check dimensions if needed. Post the lines.
    5) Import FA Journal lines (table 5621) with total accumulated Depreciation value for each FA with the last date of previous period. Post the lines.
    6) Re-create FA Book Value report to check the total amounts/ by groups etc that all amounts are correct
    7) Turn back on the Integration with G/L

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