I am trying to make certain fields mandatory in the Sales Header. These fields are in the base application so I cant just add the field and make it mandatory. I also researched and found that you cannot modify the field in a extension to make mandatory. For example, I can't make a table or page extension and modify a field to NotBlank = true. Also at the same time I cannot find some of the fields when I open the Page Inspection, like Customer PO no., My question is how do I, in the code, make a field mandatory that Microsoft has created? I did create this in a table extension, but I am not sure if it correct.
tableextension 90000 /BLP Sales Header Extension/ extends /Sales Header/
// Add changes to table fields here
modify(/Requested Delivery Date/)
trigger OnBeforeValidate()
if /Requested Delivery Date/ = 0D then
Error('Requested Delivery Date is mandatory.')
modify(/Due Date/)
trigger OnBeforeValidate()
if /Due Date/ = 0D THEN
Error('Due Date is mandatory.')