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Form Title Hide

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

For hide a form title by using jquery in MS CRM 2015 online update 1. I am using this $('.ms-crm-TextAutoEllipsis').hide(); 

"Use legacy form rendering" is equal "Yes" then form title is hiding. According to requirement "Use legacy form rendering" should be "No". But Form title is not hiding while giving "No".

  • RE: Form Title Hide

    HI Sarababu,

    Form title will be usually the primary field of the entity appended with the entity display name. I do not think the script which you have written is supported for hiding the title. Could you please let me know what exactly you want to change in the title?



  • ScottDurow Profile Picture
    ScottDurow 50,170 on at
    RE: Form Title Hide

    There is no supported way of doing this.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Form Title Hide

    I am facing the same issue. Is there is any other way to hide the FormTitle from the MS CRM 2015 form.


  • Aileen Gusni Profile Picture
    Aileen Gusni 44,522 on at
    RE: Form Title Hide


    The newest CRM version it is very not recommended to use the unsupported element access like that.


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