So long waited connector rolled out and here are some fundamental issues discovered at first look.
- Vendor and Brand are not the same. It’s a problem if Business Central sends Vendor info to Shopify whereas product brand can be completely different. For example – if we buy iPhone from Vendor called “Local Phone Shop” then Shopify will display Item Brand not iPhone but “Local Phone Shop” – this issue has caused proper mess. Also, brand name and vendor legal names are usually very different – so even if Vendor in a way is correct then it still displays full legal name of the vendor not brand.
- Shipping methods cannot be synced/mapped. Most use 3rd party shipping apps and one of the most used shipping options is parcel machine. So instead of properly defining and syncing methods (pickup, courier x, courier y etc) you get option where hundreds of parcel machine locations are defined as shipping methods which is not correct.
- So far hasn't managed to achieve situation where orders are fully managed in Shopify. Managing orders in BC is not efficient and not necessary as anyway order shipping, tracking info is coming from Shop not BC. And its unlikely noone sets up their e-commerce so someone manually fulfils orders in BC and copies tracking links or anything like that. So its critical that connector manages sales process both ways.
- BC send price wo. VAT to Shopify. As in web by law me must show prices including all taxes (not in cart or checkout but on product page) then with current settings when we select taxes included it will show price without VAT and claims VAT is included – means that we get 20% (VAT rate) loss on every single order. Yes there is option to use prices including VAT in BC but what about B2B customers then? This issue is more related to Shopify but still relevant for all BC users when considering this connector.
- No Collections syncing (collections=menu items). Means that if you have bigger shop with more collections then its trouble. You need to do it manually every time and managing thousands of items will be not realistically possible.
- If you working with items then on item level you cant select if you want to publish this in the web or not. Means you need to do it from connector making simple process allot less efficient.
So summary - if you run a shop with 20 items then it will do the job for now. Other than that - needs updating fast to use it for actual web sales.