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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

Posted on by 450


    Recently, I migrated GP2010 SP1 to SP2 but I had some errors... I created a TEST server to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2 in TEST, but in TEST I don´t have any error, the process run well. I did another test in my computer, and there I have differents errors. Is very confusing... Any idea?

My test server has the same operating system, the same SQL version, I installed GP2010 but y copy the GP2010 folder from the production server on the test server, I restored all the data bases in SQL... actually I have 12 companies and only 1 has a lot of errors.

I need help!!!




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  • Juli Profile Picture
    Juli 450 on at
    Re: Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

    Thanks Derek...

    I have the correct configuration... but I noticed in the field/column information the field collation is null... Is that correct?

  • Re: Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

    Usually when we see the IDENTITY_INSERT message, it is because the Dex_Row_ID column in this table, SVC05115 in this case, is not setup as a identity column.

    If you run the 'sp_help SVC05115' script against your company database, in the results right after the list of columns, you should see the following section:

    Identity: DEX_ROW_ID

    Seed: 1

    Increment: 1

    Not For Replication: 0

    If you don't see this, then the table is not setup correctly and you can actually change it within SQL Server Mgmt Studio by right-clicking on the SVC05115 table, and choosing 'Design'.

    When the SVC05115 design window opens, browse to the bottom of the columns and choose 'DEX_ROW_ID'

    In the 'Column Properties' section that appears, find the 'Identity Specification' and expand it. Set the following:

    (Is Identity)  >> Yes

    Identity Increment  >> 1

    Identity Seed  >> 1

    Close this design window and save changes if/when prompted. Run the 'sp_help SVC05115' table again and now the DEX_ROW_ID column should be setup as a identity column. Close and re-launch GP Utilities again to continue with the upgrade.


  • Juli Profile Picture
    Juli 450 on at
    Re: Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

    The LOG shows the same error...

    CREATE PROCEDURE SVC_Create_RMA_Closing_WORK  (@USERID char(15),  @RMA char(15),  @Customer char(15),  @Item char(31),  @Office char(11),  @Tech char(11),  @Type smallint,  @Error integer OUTPUT)  AS declare  @RMANumber char(15),  @ReleaseNumber char(5),  @RTVNumber char(15),  @RTVType char(11),  @RTVStatus char(3),  @RTVCloseStatus char(3) delete from SVC05115 where USERID = @USERID  IF @Type = 0 BEGIN  insert into SVC05115   SELECT @USERID,SVC05200.RETDOCID, SVC05200.LNSEQNBR,   SVC05200.RETTYPE, isnull(SVC05200.OFFID,''),   '',   SVC05200.CUSTNMBR,SVC05200.ADRSCODE,  SVC05200.CUSTNAME,  isnull(SVC05200.Return_Item_Number ,''),  isnull(SVC05200.Return_QTY,0),  isnull(SVC05200.Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Flat_Rate_Repair_Price,0.0)  END,  isnull(SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Orig_Flat_RepairPrice,0.0)  END,  0,0,0,'','',0,SVC_Bill_To_Address_Code, CSTPONBR FROM SVC05200 WHERE SVC05200.RMA_Status = 9 and SVC05200.Return_Record_Type = 1 and svcRMAComponentSeq = 0 END ELSE IF @Type = 1 BEGIN  insert into SVC05115   SELECT @USERID,SVC05200.RETDOCID, SVC05200.LNSEQNBR,   SVC05200.RETTYPE, isnull(SVC05200.OFFID,''),   '',   SVC05200.CUSTNMBR, SVC05200.ADRSCODE,  SVC05200.CUSTNAME,  isnull(SVC05200.Return_Item_Number ,''),  isnull(SVC05200.Return_QTY,0),   isnull(SVC05200.Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Flat_Rate_Repair_Price,0.0)  END,  isnull(SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Orig_Flat_RepairPrice,0.0)  END,  0,0,0,'','',0,SVC_Bill_To_Address_Code, CSTPONBR FROM SVC05200 WHERE SVC05200.RMA_Status = 9 and SVC05200.Return_Record_Type = 1 and svcRMAComponentSeq = 0  and SVC05200.RETDOCID = @RMA  END ELSE IF @Type = 2 BEGIN  insert into SVC05115   SELECT @USERID,SVC05200.RETDOCID, SVC05200.LNSEQNBR,   SVC05200.RETTYPE, isnull(SVC05200.OFFID,''),   '',   SVC05200.CUSTNMBR,SVC05200.ADRSCODE,  SVC05200.CUSTNAME,  isnull(SVC05200.Return_Item_Number ,''),  isnull(SVC05200.Return_QTY,0),   isnull(SVC05200.Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Flat_Rate_Repair_Price,0.0)  END,  isnull(SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Orig_Flat_RepairPrice,0.0)  END,  0,0,0,'','',0,SVC_Bill_To_Address_Code, CSTPONBR FROM SVC05200 WHERE SVC05200.RMA_Status = 9 and SVC05200.Return_Record_Type = 1 and svcRMAComponentSeq = 0  and SVC05200.CUSTNMBR = @Customer  END ELSE IF @Type = 3 BEGIN   insert into SVC05115   SELECT @USERID,SVC05200.RETDOCID, SVC05200.LNSEQNBR,   SVC05200.RETTYPE, isnull(SVC05200.OFFID,''),   '',   SVC05200.CUSTNMBR, SVC05200.ADRSCODE,  SVC05200.CUSTNAME,  isnull(SVC05200.Return_Item_Number ,''),  isnull(SVC05200.Return_QTY,0),   isnull(SVC05200.Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Flat_Rate_Repair_Price,0.0)  END,  isnull(SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Orig_Flat_RepairPrice,0.0)  END,  0,0,0,'','',0,SVC_Bill_To_Address_Code, CSTPONBR  FROM SVC05200 WHERE SVC05200.RMA_Status = 9 and SVC05200.Return_Record_Type = 1 and svcRMAComponentSeq = 0  and SVC05200.Return_Item_Number = @Item END ELSE IF @Type = 4 BEGIN  insert into SVC05115   SELECT @USERID,SVC05200.RETDOCID, SVC05200.LNSEQNBR,   SVC05200.RETTYPE, isnull(SVC05200.OFFID,''),   '',   SVC05200.CUSTNMBR, SVC05200.ADRSCODE,  SVC05200.CUSTNAME,  isnull(SVC05200.Return_Item_Number ,''),  isnull(SVC05200.Return_QTY,0),   isnull(SVC05200.Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Flat_Rate_Repair_Price,0.0)  END,  isnull(SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Orig_Flat_RepairPrice,0.0)  END,  0,0,0,'','',0,SVC_Bill_To_Address_Code, CSTPONBR FROM SVC05200 WHERE SVC05200.RMA_Status = 9 and SVC05200.Return_Record_Type = 1 and svcRMAComponentSeq = 0  and SVC05200.OFFID = @Office  END ELSE IF @Type = 5 BEGIN  insert into SVC05115   SELECT @USERID,SVC05200.RETDOCID, SVC05200.LNSEQNBR,   SVC05200.RETTYPE, isnull(SVC05200.OFFID,''),   isnull(SVC00200.TECHID,''),   SVC05200.CUSTNMBR, SVC05200.ADRSCODE,  SVC05200.CUSTNAME,  isnull(SVC05200.Return_Item_Number ,''),  isnull(SVC05200.Return_QTY,0),   isnull(SVC05200.Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Flat_Rate_Repair_Price,0.0)  END,  isnull(SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Cost,0.0),  CASE  when SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price > 0.0 then SVC05200.Originating_Repair_Price  else isnull(SVC05200.Orig_Flat_RepairPrice,0.0)  END,  0,0,0,'','',0,SVC05200.SVC_Bill_To_Address_Code, SVC05200.CSTPONBR FROM SVC05200 LEFT JOIN  SVC00200 ON SVC05200.CALLNBR = SVC00200.CALLNBR and SVC05200.SRVRECTYPE = SVC00200.SRVRECTYPE  WHERE SVC05200.RMA_Status = 9 and SVC05200.Return_Record_Type = 1 and svcRMAComponentSeq = 0  and SVC00200.TECHID = @Tech  END  return    


    /*  Date: 10/18/2012  Time: 13:05:10

    SQLSTATE:(23000) Native Err:(8101) stmt(11576416):*/

    [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]An explicit value for the identity column in table 'SVC05115' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.*/


  • Re: Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

    Hello Richard,

    For the GSMX database, using the screenshot here, for Field Services (949), it is failing the upgrade of this module from 11.00.1517 to 11.00.1807 for Dynamics GP 2010. The db_status of 53 shows that it was during the 'Load Stored Procedures' part of the upgrade that it failed.

    If you start a dexsql.log, launch GP 2010 Utilities and attempt to upgrade this company database again, it will fail on the same error, then you can look at the error in Utilities (including any More Info button) and the dexsql.log to find out what is causing it to fail.


  • Juli Profile Picture
    Juli 450 on at
    Re: Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

    Thanks Richard, but not allow me to get the information...

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    Re: Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

    Can anyone at Microsoft chime in on what the db_status field means?

    If you want to send me a private message I would be willing to take your DYNAMICS data and this troublesome database and try the upgrade myself.

  • Juli Profile Picture
    Juli 450 on at
    Re: Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

    sorry!! also the field db_verOldBuild is defferent...

    The correct company is AGRIC, the company with problems is GSMX

  • Juli Profile Picture
    Juli 450 on at
    Re: Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

    I run the update in other company to compare... the only diferent field  is db_status, it has value 53


  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    Re: Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

    That tells me the syntax of the command trying to build this sp is wrong. So now the question is why is it right in all the other companies but wrong in this one? I believe if you look in the DYNAMICS.DB_Upgrade table it lists all the products and their major and minor version numbers. Field service is Product ID 949. Check table table for that company and see if the version is the same in that compnay.

  • Juli Profile Picture
    Juli 450 on at
    Re: Errors to migrate GP2010 SP1 to SP2

    This is the message...

    Msg 8101, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SVC_Create_RMA_Closing_WORK, Line 2

    An explicit value for the identity column in table 'SVC05115' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.

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