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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce
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Issue Gift card error in CPOS

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Hi all

I'm trying to issue a gitf card in Cloud Pos


But I'm getting an error: "Application error. Please try again or contact your administrator to fix the problem."

LCS Environment monitoring shows me the error message: "The executeAsync method for the IssueGiftCardClientRequestHandler received a null GiftCardItem."

This process is standard, I don't have custom code for issue a gift card and all HQ configurations are set. 

How can I fix this?

  • Jimmywick Profile Picture
    Jimmywick 70 on at
    RE: Issue Gift card error in CPOS

    Start the Modern POS (MPOS) application.

    Sign in by using the standard credentials.

    When you're prompted, select Perform a non-drawer operation.

    On the main screen, select Select hardware station.

    On the bar on the right side of the page, select Manage.

    Turn on Virtual Peripherals, and then select OK.

    In the Available paired stations field, select Virtual Peripherals.

    You're prompted to either open a new shift or perform non-drawer operations. You can now open a new shift.

    On the main screen, select Current transaction.

    Select Gift cards.

    Select Ext Issue gift card.

    Enter a number that starts with 9, and then provide an amount.

    After items are added to the cart, you can pay by using cash or a card.


    J Wick

  • n_winklmeier Profile Picture
    n_winklmeier 10 on at
    RE: Issue Gift card error in CPOS

    Hi Scott,

    My team is trying to use D365 internal gift cards for our customer. They would like to sell physical and digital gift cards on their ecommerce site, as well as on POS. We have followed your Internal Gift Cards TechTalk video to do our configurations.

    We have a product master service item for the ecommerce gift card product. When we buy a physical gift card online - once we enter in the gift card number and invoice the sales order, we are unable to pick and ship the item due to it being a service item. Our ship solution only prints shipping labels for items of the product type, and not service items. Do you know a way around this? For example, can the gift card item be a product rather than a service?

    I'd appreciate any insight you could provide.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Issue Gift card error in CPOS

    Hi Ricardo,

    Sorry to see you have been struggling with issue gift card in CPOS for 2 months.  I have some thoughts and a link that will hopefully help resolve the issue for you.  

    Thoughts:  The error " IssueGiftCardClientRequestHandler received a null GiftCardItem" to me says that the gift card Item ID is not populated in the channel database.  However, I will assume you have tried configuring the gift card product a number of different ways so I don't think that is it this time.

    While preparing for the Internal Gift Card TechTalk I saw an issue that I consider a product defect. The issue gift card operation IS NOT the same type of operation as the product sale operation and in the past the gift card product did not need to be assorted to the store. In my option it is better to not assort the product because you do not want a cashier to try and 'sell' the gift card product. It seems that sometime recently a conflict between the gift card operations (and the gift card item) and the POS permission 'Sell non-assorted products' was introduced.

    So, this may sound odd but check your POS permissions and make sure 'sell non-assorted products' is TRUE for your POS user.  Regardless of the gift card item being in or out of the assortment and regardless of the POS user having the Manager privileges set to TRUE.  Remember to run the 1060 CDX job after you change any POS permissions.

    If that doesn't fix your issue, then the much longer process I can suggest is to go through the presentation that goes with the TechTalk that was given last November. Link:

    In the TechTalk we used a master product with variants because that is needed to sell multiple denomination on ecommerce, but a simple product will work just as well for POS.

  • Suggested answer
    pratik varia Profile Picture
    pratik varia 50 on at
    RE: Issue Gift card error in CPOS

    Hi Ricardo,

    Make sure you have the right settings as below:

    > On Button Grid layout - The 'Payment Type' on both the Button i.e. "Issue Gift Card" & "Pay Gift Card" Button is mapped as "Gift Card" which is a Gift Card Payment Method tagged on the Store's Payment Method setup & that payment method has operation name as "Pay Gift Card" &  Function as "Card"

    Hope this resolved your issue

  • Ricardo Serrano Profile Picture
    Ricardo Serrano 15 on at
    RE: Issue Gift card error in CPOS

    No Ariadna, I couldn't find a solution yet.

    If you find the solution, share it with me please.

  • ARIADNA SALA Profile Picture
    ARIADNA SALA 25 on at
    RE: Issue Gift card error in CPOS


    I have the same issue... Did you what was causing the problem??? Did you find a solution?

    Thank you.

  • Ricardo Serrano Profile Picture
    Ricardo Serrano 15 on at
    RE: Issue Gift card error in CPOS

    Sorry, I'm not quite sure why within Assortments form, the product details for Giftcard is empty.

    From Product Information Management > Released Product > GiftCard I have the configurations you mentioned


  • Suggested answer
    SHOXF Profile Picture
    SHOXF 490 on at
    RE: Issue Gift card error in CPOS

    Your item is not configured properly, you have missed storage dimension, tracking dimension, item model group and item group. also please attached the hierarchy on product that is the part of your assortment

  • Ricardo Serrano Profile Picture
    Ricardo Serrano 15 on at
    RE: Issue Gift card error in CPOS

    Hi Muhammad.

    Indeed, the settings that you suggest me to review, are set.

    Commerce Parameters:


    Store Assortment:


    And finally, the gift card product details, just in case there is any check box that I'm missing.


    Thank you for your suggestions!

  • Suggested answer
    SHOXF Profile Picture
    SHOXF 490 on at
    RE: Issue Gift card error in CPOS

    Can you please check that gift card item is added on commerce parameter. Also verify that gift card item is in store assortment.

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