I have entered the set up for EFT for payment from our US$ account at a Canadian bank (RBC).
We have vendors in Canada and in the US who we pay in US funds.
If I enter my chequebook country/region as Canada then both Vendors need to be set up with a bank country/region as United States.
The file that is created looks fine for the US Vendor but for the Canadian Vendor it is missing the bank and transit number.
This is in the IAT Entry Detail Record positions 04-12. For the US Vendor it is pulling from the Vendor EFT Bank Mntc Transit Routing Number field. For the Canadian Vendor, this field does not accept the bank and transit number, so I entered itin the "Bank Branch" field. I also tried using the Bank Code and Bank Branch Code fields.
Does EFT not allow paying a Canadian bank in US funds from another Canadian bank in US funds using the same file as a Canadian bank paying a US bank in US funds?
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