RE: Inventory Transaction - Document Type - Adjustment
I am going to assume Serial Numbers and Lot Numbers are not in play here, as this would add further complexity.
Sounds like a corrupted transaction In the system, can you print the Edit List.
I would always run a in Test company or a backup of the Live company first.
1. Run a Check Links on Inventory Transaction Work under Maintenance >> Check Links >> Inventory.
2. If that doesn't fix the issue, and you cannot post or delete the transaction manually run the following SQL Statements on the Company Database, (Test Company first), replacing the Document Number with your Number.:
DELETE IV10000 WHERE IVDOCNBR = '00000000000000035'
DELETE IV10001 WHERE IVDOCNBR = '00000000000000035'
3. Run your Reconcile again, then make any Inventory adjustments as necessary.
If you do not have the necessary skills for SQL Statements, please seek professional advice.