Hello, I have configured Channel attirbutes and product attributes. The refiners in Commerce doesnt seem to show up. Am I missing something. please advice.
Hello, I have configured Channel attirbutes and product attributes. The refiners in Commerce doesnt seem to show up. Am I missing something. please advice.
Couple of things you want to check -
1. Make sure the attribute is enabled on the channel
1. Make sure the can be refined check is enabled.
2. The attribute is added to the attribute group.
3. The attribute group is added to the Product attribute groups under commerce product hierarchy
4. The attribute group is added to the Product attribute groups under commerce navigation hierarchy
5. Publish channel updates
6. Confirm the attributes are configured on the released products for you channel.
7. lastly, run the 9999 job
On the Site builder -
Make sure you have opened the 'Filter settings' form for each attribute (from the Attribute setup form.) Then make sure you have set the configured the 'Set attribute metadata' for each attribute that you require as a refiner, for the Channel, from the Channel categories and attributes form; there is a 'Can be refined' setting. Then make sure you 'Publish channel updates' and run the 9999 Distribution job. It may take some time for the data to propagate to the Channel database.
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