Hi Community,
I have used OOTB [Out of the box] API of /Document Attachment/ in which ID is the Autoincrement field. When I attach a document using Business Central, the ID field value is automatically assigned a unique key but when I attach a document using Power Automate, the ID field value is always the same. So I want to attach a document using Power Automate with a Unique ID.
While attaching a document using Power Automate It shows the following error:
error message: ErrorCode: Internal_EntityWithSameKeyExists The record in table Document Attachment already exists. Identification fields and values: Table ID='38',No.='POSG11-11111-01',Document Type='Order',Line No.='0',ID='26900' CorrelationId: 0b35486a-f86d-423c-8b14-193626ff055e.has context menu
If you have any solutions, Please Provide me that solution.
Thank You