RE: Not getting "set up corresponding codes in payroll" when setting up Misc Benefits in HR
Hi Deborah,
The “Automatically Update Payroll Benefits & Deductions” should not be checked so that setting is okay.
If you didn’t mark Payroll View for Human Resources in the User Setup window, the benefit enrollment will be incomplete. Use the Reconcile Human Resources window to update the benefit definitions.
More info that may help:
When you have this plan make sure that you have the amount fields populated so it knows if it should be tied to a benefit on payroll, a deduction on payroll, or both a benefit and deduction. For example, if you leave these amounts as zero it will not know what to tie to on the payroll side.
What you can do to make sure that the setup is complete is first go in under Tools | Setup | HR | Ben/Ded | Health Insurance and bring up this specific deduction. If it is only a deduction make sure that you at least have .01 or 1% entered in the Amount field or if it is also a benefit make sure that the employer fields have a specific amount and are not zero.
Once these are populated click save and it should push you over to Payroll to complete the setup. Save once again when you are on the Payroll side in both the deduction and the benefit window.
If you indeed have an amount entered on HR at the setup level then bring up the benefit and click save. Then bring up again and then from the Go To option in the upper right hand corner click payroll and finish saving the link.
When the amounts are zero it doesn't see what it should be connected to on the Payroll side which makes it think that it is incomplete. If you enter a 1% then you should not run into the issues that you are seeing. The when you initially assign the ded/ben to a new employee you will need to remember to enter the correct amount.
Hope this helps,