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Out the fricking blue: "Error Loading Control" on a lookup field

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Posted on by 437

In a Sandbox, we have hammered this certain incident form in testing over the last several months.  Just as we near go-live  it throws

"Error Loading Control" on a lookup field on the form in question.  it does not happen every time the form is used.

How can it not load an existing control that has not been modified for months?

The look up should load and allow the customer to select a team member to which to assign the incident.

usage was pretty heavy today with CSRs in training.

What's the dealie-o?

  • urklnme Profile Picture
    urklnme 437 on at
    RE: Out the fricking blue: "Error Loading Control" on a lookup field

    how does on make a ticket with Microsoft without a support contract?  is it possible?

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Out the fricking blue: "Error Loading Control" on a lookup field

    No worries. Anyway, I would recommend getting in touch with Microsoft and open the ticket in order to fix the issue. I'm pretty sure you're not the only one who experiences this issue.

  • urklnme Profile Picture
    urklnme 437 on at
    RE: Out the fricking blue: "Error Loading Control" on a lookup field

    been putting out security role fires today... my application went live on Monday... overall very successful YAY!!  Happy customers!

    So this is what happened, the customer came clean with me,  he enters the ticket form, clicks in assigned lookup field, chooses name, save and close....he repeats this 4 or 5 times quickly. (now see the attached video)  when he returns again  the "Context filter not loading because primary key is not in the state tree" message flashes when he types in the assignee lookup field and the lookup no longer works, meaning no matter what you type, it just returns nothing.  He didn't get the in and out on the video, but that's what he did.

    Then, this turkey customer leaves the form without saving...(back arrow), does a CTRL-F5 and returns to the ticket form where now the ."Error loading control" message (see picture attached) is displayed where the assignee lookup field should be.

    customer tells me that is the only way he can reproduce the scenario, but claims that it occurs in the everyday use of the application as well.  I am like well when it breaks and there is no workaround then we will worry about it.  

    Sorry for wasting your time AB, especially since there is a workable workaround. just refresh the form dammit!

  • a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Out the fricking blue: "Error Loading Control" on a lookup field

    That's weird. I have never seen anything similar and even well-mighty Google has no clue about it.

    Can you make few screenshots or even better gif or video that demonstrates the issue?

  • urklnme Profile Picture
    urklnme 437 on at
    RE: Out the fricking blue: "Error Loading Control" on a lookup field

    more info... when the customer first uses the assignee lookup, a message flashes and disappears (paraphrased):

    Cannot apply context filter because the primary key is missing from the state tree

  • urklnme Profile Picture
    urklnme 437 on at
    RE: Out the fricking blue: "Error Loading Control" on a lookup field

    I read the thread you posted.  Did I mis-understand the solution?  

    I looked in unmanaged export zip file.  I could not find any <LookupType id= tags in my solution.xml which I thought was for a reason that really doenst make sense now.   DER!!  but there were no Lookup id tags in the xml.

    Is there way to make sure my solution.xml contains Lookup id tags?

  • a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Out the fricking blue: "Error Loading Control" on a lookup field


    I'm not sure what you meant with "Dynamic" lookup. Is it filtered based on some condition?

  • urklnme Profile Picture
    urklnme 437 on at
    RE: Out the fricking blue: "Error Loading Control" on a lookup field

    Apologies.  The lookup in question is looking up team members (user table view) of the assigned team so it is dynamic.

    There is also a workflow that targets the lookup field.

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Out the fricking blue: "Error Loading Control" on a lookup field


    Check this thread - it looks similar to yours -

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