I have created an assembly 'A' implementing IPaymentProcessor and another 'B' implementing INamedRequestHandler.
To create a retail deployable package, I have placed my assemblies A and B in "PaymentExternals /IPaymentProcessor assemblies" and "PaymentExternals/IPaymentDevice assemblies" respectively, in retail sdk folder. I am successfully able to apply my package via LCS into my environment.
Issue is, my processor is successfully loaded and I am able to see it among existing connectors in Retail Hardware Profile form. But no sign of assembly B in modernPos' clientBroker or hws' packages folder, needed for payment terminal device at mpos end.
I have tried this twice on two different environments following the deployment steps in commerce docs. Which brings me to my question, is this process of pushing payment connector via LCS applicable for INamedRequestHandler assemblies? or does this work for IPaymentDevice assemblies only? Or am I missing something? Has anyone successfully deployed payment connector via LCS?
Thanking you in anticipation.