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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Can't get Great Plains re-installed on my laptop

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I had to remove Great Plains from my laptop, including Dynamics and TWO. Uninstall the Dexterity along with Microsoft Dynamics, when I was finished I removed the GPfolder and the ODBC for Great Plains, so there shouldn't be anything left. Also, I reboot.

I am running Windows 7 and have SQL Server 2008R2 installed on my laptop, I am using the MDGP2010_DVD_withHotfixKB2731285_ENUS to install Great Plains, I run it as administrator. I have it create a new ODBC.

When the install runs it reinstalls the Dexterity Component 11 and goes thru the normal install without a hiccup or error message. Everything looks as it should. When I go into Great Plains using the GP Utilities I get the error login failed, when I look in SQL Server Dynamics hasn't been installed.

What am I missing and/or doing wrong? Never had this happen before, anyone have an idea or suggestion?

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  • Lance Koplin Profile Picture
    Lance Koplin on at
    Re: Can't get Great Plains re-installed on my laptop


    I understand that you are trying to log into GP Utilities after re-installing Dynamics GP and the SQL Server.  I understand that you have installed the SQL Server 2008 R2 also on the Windows 7 workstation. When you try to log into GP Utilities you get an error message that the login failed.  When you look at the SQL Server, the Dynamics database is not installed.

    There are a few things that could be causing this issue. If this is the first time logging into GP Utilities since the re-install which it sounds like it is, your Dynamics Database will not exist.  The Dynamics Database is created when you log into GP Utilities for the first time.  

    You will want to insure that you have done and confirmed the following.

    1. I have provided a link below that will bring you to the documentation on installation of Dynamics GP.  Please make sure that you have followed the steps that are in this document “Installation Instructions”.

    a. Installing and deploying Microsoft Dynamics GP [GP 2010]


    2. Confirm that you have created a SQL Server Instance since you indicated that you had uninstalled everything prior to re-installing.

    a. Open SQL Server Management Studio and try logging into the SQL Server Instance using the ‘sa’ login and password.

    i. If you cannot, either the instance does not exist which you will need to create prior to running GP Utilities or the ‘sa’ password is incorrect. If you have not created a Server Instance for GP as of yet, use the Preparation Section from the document you downloaded above to assist you in creating a new server instance.

    3. Confirm that your ODBC is connecting to the correct instance.  You can do this by running the following script in a new query.

    a. Select @@SERVERNAME

    4. In the results it will return the Server instance name that should be used when configuring your ODBC.

    a. Check your ODBC connection to make sure the correct server instance is being used.  I have provided a KB Article below that walks you through the steps to configure your ODBC based on whether you are on a 32 or 64 bit machine.

    i. How to set up an ODBC Data Source on SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamics GP


    5. Make sure you are logging into GP Utilities using the ‘sa’ login and password.

    6. Make sure the SQL Server Instance has been started.

    a. Start>>Control Panel>>Administrative Tools>>Services.

    b. Scroll down in the list, locate your SQL Server Instance, and make sure that it is Started.

    c. If it is not right click on it and select Start.

    If the above information does not resolve your issue, it may be necessary to open a support incident to further trouble shoot this issue so that the environment can be looked at first hand.

    If you have any other questions please let me know.

    Best regards,

    Lance K

    Microsoft Dynamics GP

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