I need to enable the option fiscal periods, into the window Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Configuration > Company > Fiscal Periods
Where enable the option?
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I need to enable the option fiscal periods, into the window Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Configuration > Company > Fiscal Periods
Where enable the option?
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If you are wanting to grant that user the ability to access the account format setup window, the only Security Role it exists in out-of-the-box is the ACCOUNTING MANAGER* role. It's in two security tasks, ADMIN_COMPANY_001* & ADMIN_COMPANY_012*
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Kind regards,
Hello consultation about the fiscal period, is on a user tries to access but it appears not enabled in menu. I require to know the path for the user to access the option Fiscal Period.
You need to setup the fiscal periods. Which means first you need to determine what years you need to setup and when the beginning of that year is and the end of the year.
If it is a straight fiscal year January 1 - Dec 31 with only 12 months then that is what you enter.
Are you going to be bring in beginning balances: Then you want to create 2013 so that you can bring in all the balances from Dec 31 2014 and have it create the balance forward for 2014.
Are you bringing in multiple years of history for your GL. Determine how far back you are going and create the first year you need and then move forward.
You always set your year up for when the year ends. If your year starts 06/01/2014 and end 06/30/2015 then your year is 2015. Once you set your year and dates then you set how many periods (12) normal although you can have up to 365. Then you hit calculate.
Hope this helps.
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